Our tarot group issues worked out very well. I’m very pleased and grateful that everyone worked together to decide what needed to be decided, with no personality clashes in sight! I’m going to continue as facilitator through the end of 2014, so I’m thinking that my usual Hermit tarot self, studying, reading, and creating on my own except for group meetings, is about to change into a more active communicator and coordinator for the group.
I’m not unwilling to come out of my shell and be more social in other aspects of my life either, even though I’m a classic introvert, who needs plenty of alone time to recharge my energy reserves. We’ll see what 2014 has in store for me on the social front!
And if we go in the opposite direction, transforming into a Hermit, perhaps I will have the opportunity to change from a Hierophant, studying and learning about spiritual topics, into a Hermit, who puts spiritual learning into practice to create a better life for myself. This is something I could do right away. We never have to wait to begin a beneficial spiritual practice!
Thank you for joining me in my journey through the twelve days of Christmas. (Send me an email if you would like a copy of the themes all in one place.)