Lovers Wisdom Question: Is there such a thing as true love in this world? Which I’m defining as the experience of complete trust, selfless giving, grateful receiving, and physical attraction between two people.
I really want to know this and don’t have a preconception about what is the correct answer!
This reading came to me in fortune-telling style, so here you go:
0-Fool-Clear Quartz on Knight of Wands. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread. Love before you leap. Love first, ask questions later. Well begun is half done. Love like you’ve never been hurt. Faint heart never won fair maid (or dashing gent). You get the idea. There are no guarantees in the relationship biz. You can’t expect someone else to commit just to make you comfortable enough to commit yourself! This knight looks like he’s been shot out of a cannon. He’s on a quest for love, but it’s not a sentimental journey. It’s all about expending the energy and committing yourself without expecting anything in return.
13-Death-Mahogany Obsidian on Knight of Swords. Over-thinking can cause love to die a-borning. Here’s another knight. He’s aiming in the right direction, but he’s going about it in the opposite (wrong) way. (Both knights and horses are heading left, but the Knight of Wands is leaping up, while the Knight of Swords looks like he’s going down, even if it’s just because we’re looking at him from above.) This knight wants to pin down what he’s feeling and experiencing with his two swords. His hands aren’t free to hold the reins, let alone reach out to someone. His mind is going a mile a minute (as fast as the birds beside him), but where is his heart going? If he sees something he doesn’t like in the other person or the incipient relationship, his mind is not going to let the seeds of love germinate in his heart. He looks like he’s going forward swiftly, but it’s in the wrong way. He’s being penny wise and pound foolish by prudently avoiding a taste of trouble, when it might be something easily overcome on the way to a feast of love. (Cliches are the specialty of the day, with a generous helping of mixed metaphors on the side!)
17-Star-Blue Lace Agate on 2 of Wands. Finding true love requires faith and works. Lots of people are sitting around wishing on a star that true love will find them. 2 of Wands (and the Knight of Wands) are saying we need to go out and find it! 2=force + Wands=energy + Mars in Aries--this card is all about action, action, action! Do something, even if it’s wrong! Star is here, not as a contrast, but as a plus: While you’re acting, looking, and finding, keep hope alive for the truest of loves. And don’t settle for anything less. If you can dream it, you can be it. True love is only possible if you believe in it, but believing isn’t enough. It also takes the Foolishness of the Knight of Wands to go out and find it!
Well, that answers my question and opens my eyes. I feel more hopeful just looking at the cards and stones!