Happiness is . . .?
Back in the 70s, there was a pre-internet meme, “happiness is.” I think it started with the Peanuts cartoon asserting that “happiness is a warm puppy.” Greeting cards, t-shirts, etc. were soon putting forward their candidates. There was even a song, which concluded “happiness is . . . different things for different people. That’s what happiness is!”
So the Sun’s question is what is happiness? And stays with the idea that there are as many “happinesses” as there are people in the world.
I’m back to using the card method today. I shuffled my trimmed pocket Thoth, cut the deck on the Sun card, laid out 9 cards in a Saturn square order, and dropped 3 stones, removing the cards that didn’t get a stone. (Obviously, I didn’t take out the majors, so we end up with a (very strong) major-major pair!)
0-Fool-Clear Quartz on Queen of Wands. Happiness is taking our own path. The
Fool is beginning a journey, one of his own choosing, even though he doesn’t
know much about the path ahead or even where he wants to go. And that’s the way s/he likes it! The Queen looks out from her place of
fertility upon the path through the desert, winding from oasis to oasis. She would be happy to give her foolish goat detailed
instructions on how to get across with the least trouble, but he wants to go
his own way, ready or not!
4-Emperor-Carnelian on Prince of Disks. Happiness is having control over our
stuff. The Prince’s chariot is full of
the seeds of abundance and production.
His trusty ox takes him steadily forward, step by plodding step, toward
their realization in physical form. The
Emperor is here to make sure this all takes place in the correct way and under
his control. It is a basic human right
and a basic source of contentment to have the authority to control ones own property
and ones ability to produce more. This
was a strong motivation for the very middle-class American Revolution. Even though the Declaration includes
high-minded words about life and liberty (and we are glad that it does!), the
revolutionaries really had those covered as British citizens. Their main concern was the pursuit of property
and happiness. “Taxation without
representation” was the original rallying cry.
And I’m not denigrating all this.
As a Taurus rising, I feel strongly that knowing what’s going to happen
with my property is security, and security is happiness!
20-Judgment-Petrified Wood on Universe. Happiness is believing there is something
more. As I mentioned, a very powerful
major-major pair (that foreshadows the two readings left in this series!). Notwithstanding the previous happiness, it is
of the greatest comfort to me to believe that there is more to life (and the
universe and everything) than getting and spending. Some people might say that’s just wishful
thinking, but if so, I wish to keep wishing!
Universe hints that this physical reality where we live is so much
larger, greater, and more complex and interesting that we mere humans can ever
understand. And Judgment trumpets that
there is even more than that! There is a
higher realm, a better way of life, and mysterious beauty everywhere around and
within us, as well as around and within the great, complex, and interesting
physical world we live in. Which is also
greater than we can understand. Unless
we can. Which is just another of the
higher mysteries that can bring true happiness whenever we want it. What a wonderful message from the stones and
And that’s what happiness is! At least for today. What is happiness for you?