Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Job Search Reading for Meghan

Meghan asks, “will I get one or more job offers within the next three weeks?”

Time for an Oldest Spread reading!

8-Fortitude-Tiger Eye + 4 of Coins:  In this job search, your greatest strength is to stay focused on the money.  While the convention wisdom or normal advice is to make sure the job is a good fit, provides a comfortable environment, etc., the stones are saying you should pay close attention to, and put your effort into, the compensation bottom line for any offers you get.  4 of Coins says “show me the money!”

5-Hierophant-Orange Calcite + Knave of Wands:  You may get an offer from a traditional, well-established employer (Hierophant) who sees you as someone full of youthful energy and enthusiasm that will fit right in -- in a subordinate position (Knave of Wands).

16-Tower-Red Jasper + 2 of Swords:  Well, it looks like you might get more than one offer because this combination is warning you to be careful in your choice of which one to take!  Looking back to Fortitude and 4 of Coins, you need to really check out the offers to make sure they’re as lucrative as they look.  An uninformed or emotional choice could have unpleasant consequences.  Be like those two swords and cut right to the truth of the offers.

9-Hermit-Fluorite + 3 of Cups:  This combination could be a more positive version of the Towery one.  While you might be looking for a job in which you can make friends and express your real self (3 of Cups), it would be better to go into the job search/choice with a Hermit mentality.  You need a job to be self-sufficient, both physically and emotionally.  You should concentrate on doing your work and getting paid, without entanglements, positive or negative.

Alternatively, this combination might mean you will get an offer from someone who is not used to working collaboratively, but thinks that you would be someone he/she could get along with and work with pleasantly.

In summary, you will probably get two or more offers that you will have to be very careful in choosing between. 

Wow, interesting reading!  Meghan, thanks for asking what the stones have to say to you!  Please let me know if this is anywhere near accurate, or helpful, and definitely let me know how the job search goes for you!

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Universe Wisdom Reading

What is the meaning of life, the universe, and everything? 

With a nod to Douglas Adams and the Hitchhikers, I thought it was appropriate to do a good old houses reading for this question.  What houses are important to, well, everything, what does each one mean, and how should we act in each realm? 

8-Fortitude-Tiger Eye in the Eighth House.  Here we are in the house of endings.  A constant theme in our wisdom readings has been the universality of impermanence.  Everything changes, nothing stays the same, and everything ends sometime.  And Fortitude says sometimes it takes just plain strength of character and guts to deal with all these changes and endings.  But just knowing the truth and the ubiquity of impermanence can’t help but give us the strength of mind to be prepared and accepting when the changes come.

2-Priestess-Moonstone in the Ninth House.  Learning and knowledge are of fundamental importance in human life.  We are born with a very small bit innate knowledge/instinct, but the rest of what we need for life on earth is learned, every day from birth to death.  But Priestess says the most important things we learn are not from teachers and books, but from our own experiences and intuition.  She tells us every day to trust in our own inner knowing and truths for clues for solving the puzzle of life, the universe, and everything.

11-Justice-Aventurine in the Twelfth House.  The mysterious, confusing Twelfth House says that we are all, to different extents, lost in a funhouse of our own making (kind of the flipside of the message of the Priestess).  Our minds are so powerful that each of us creates the entire universe that we live in, which is similar, but slightly (or greatly) different, than everyone else’s.  This is what makes it so imperative that we act with Justice as much as we possibly can.  We can’t know exactly what any other person is going through at this very minute, but we do know that every single person on the planet wants to be safe and happy.  So one of the most important ways to make our lives meaningful is to do things and live in a way that will help others to be safe and happy, and maybe help them live their best lives. 

Sartre famously said that hell is other people.  But the stones say, guess what, the meaning of life, the universe, and everything is also other people!

Judgment Wisdom Reading

What is the best way to rise up to a higher level?

We get, in an obvious bottom to top order, 0-Fool-Clear Quartz, 4-Emperor-Carnelian, 12-Hanged One-Sodalite.

0-Fool-Clear Quartz:  We have to go into it without expectations.  Yes, it’s contradictory.  How can you want and pursue something that you can only get by not trying to figure out what it is?  I’ve been reading a little bit of Chinese philosophy recently, and this seems like the essence of wuwei, doing by not doing.  And “the way that can be named is not the true way.”  Fool says we have to be open to whatever comes, but also ready and willing to set out on the journey at any time.

4-Emperor-Carnelian:  The journey and goal have to be what you want.  You’re never going to get somewhere if it’s not really your goal.  We have to be self-sovereign.  We can’t rise up to someone else’s version of a higher plane.  Religious and spiritual teachings can help us figure out what we want, but no-one can force us to rise.  Maybe they can force us to pretend we want it, or even that we have it, but obviously that’s not it!

12-Hanged One-Sodalite:  And we have to be patient.  To go from Fool to Hanged One is to go with no expectations to end up nowhere.  It’s kind of the dark night of the soul without the dark.  The blank time of the soul.  Or maybe the wintertime of the soul.  We have to trust that things are happening, that seeds are maturing.  And when we least expect it, we will find that we’re already there!