Monday, December 30, 2013

Seventh Day of Christmas: Wheel

What should I forgive?  What should I ask forgiveness for?
10-Wheel-Botswana Agate

This seems to be more about why to forgive, rather than what to forgive.  I should forgive the things I need to forgive because, in the big picture, the painful things happened because of causes and conditions.  Yes, people did things that hurt me, and I still hurt some when I remember them, but the other people involved were just as much, or almost as much, victims of circumstances as I was.  Forgiveness allows me to move on, free of memories and pain and the idea that I need to do something about them.

I will probably have to work on this for a while, but I hope that I will be able to begin a new year with this kind of freedom.

Reading note:  As you've probably noticed by now, I'm laying out the stones in clock positions.  And, just to let you know, I am putting all the stones back into the bag before I choose the stone for the next day.  So repeated stones are a possibility, but we haven't had any yet.

Eighth Day, January 1, Teachers Day.  The eighth day from his birth brought the circumcision and naming of Jesus, marking the beginning of his religious instruction.  It’s time to be grateful for the spiritual, academic, and practical teachers that we have learned from throughout our lives.  How can I honor my teachers and spiritual friends?  How can I be an effective teacher or mentor?

I’ll read on this tomorrow.

Merry Christmas!

Sixth Day of Christmas: Priestess

How can I honor my parents and ancestors?  How can I be a better parent?

The short answer to these questions is to follow my intuition.

This is an interesting time in my parenting life:  My grown son is moving to his own place in the coming month.  He has lived on his own before (in college and grad school), so I think the biggest transition this time will be for me!  Priestess says the best way for me to help him is to just go with it.  Definitely let him do it his own way, only jumping in with my own ideas when I feel strongly that he needs my help (not when I think I should do or say something).  I should stay open to feel his vibes about how he wants things and help him with that.

And on the parent side, I should do the same with my mom.  I should let her do her own thing but stay open to understand/recognize when she needs something from me, when she might not come out and say so.  Even though she is a pretty straightforward character, I can see times when she might not want to ask for help.

It’s always good advice from the stones to get a bit of distance from my own petty but all-consuming concerns so I can keep my mind and emotions open for glimpses of ways to take better care of my family.

Tomorrow’s theme:

Seventh Day, December 31, Forgiveness Day (All Beings).  It is an Eastern European tradition to forgive and be forgiven on New Year’s Eve to start the year with a clean slate.  Buddhism teaches that we should be thankful for all beings, even (or especially) those we are in conflict with, because they teach us valuable lessons about ourselves, compassion, and forgiveness.  What should I forgive?  What should I ask forgiveness for?

I’ll read on this later.

Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Fifth Day of Christmas: Star

What is the state of my spiritual life?  What do I have faith in?  How can I increase tolerance in myself and in the world?
17-Star-Blue Lace Agate

My spiritual life is kind of in limbo right now, but there’s one constant for me--I believe that I receive blessings galore!  Whatever troubles and irritations I need to deal with or endure are nothing compared to the wonderful things that are right and good in my life. 

Getting Star today is a confirmation to me that maintaining my attitude of gratitude is the right direction for my spiritual life.  Whatever greater spiritual flowerings I realize whenever I get my wandering mind and attention back together, I need to remember to plant them in a rich soil of thankfulness and enjoyment of the blessings I already have.

Besides blessings, another meaning for Star is hope.  I have been thinking about and working on the difference between Faith and Hope for a long time, and I think I’m getting closer to an understanding.  And here they are today, back together again (Hope in the Faith position)!

Briefly, Hope is wishing for and wanting something good and wonderful.  Faith is believing, not with your mind, but with your heart, let’s say trusting, that that something good and wonderful is going to come to you, and trusting in the way that will bring it to you.  That’s why religion is faith--you trust that following the guidelines of the religion will bring you what you hope for.

Here is the theme for tomorrow:

Sixth Day, December 30, Parents Day.  This is the feast of the Holy Family, honoring the child Jesus, his mother Mary, and (earthly) father Joseph, as a family.  This is a good time to be grateful for not only our physical parents and ancestors, but also the ancestors of our culture, land, nation, and community.  How can I honor my parents and ancestors?  How can I be a better parent?

I’ll read on this tonight.

Merry Christmas!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Fourth Day of Christmas: Lovers

How can I honor and help the children in my life and the children of the world?

Such a simple answer!  (But perhaps not so simple to put into action.)  The best way to help children is simply to love them!  I just have to remember that the essence of true love is giving what the recipient wants and needs, not necessarily what I’m willing to give.  A good way to love any child, from the over-scheduled to the attention-starved, is to stop, take time, and really listen to his/her wants, needs, and dreams. 

I don’t have any children in my family right now (still waiting patiently for grandchildren!), but I’ll keep this advice in mind when the opportunity arises for me to interact with children.

The theme for December 29:

Fifth Day, December 29, Religious Freedom and Tolerance Day (Faith).  This is the feast of Thomas Becket, a close friend and supporter of King Henry II of England, who appointed him Archbishop of Canterbury.  After his appointment, Becket opposed the king on issues affecting the church he now led.  He was assassinated for sticking to his principles and defending his faith against political interference.  What is the state of my spiritual life?  What do I have faith in?  How can I increase tolerance in myself and in the world?

I’ll read on this tomorrow.

Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Third Day of Christmas: Hermit

What is my wisdom, and how can I share it?

Interesting that this theme talks about a wise old man, and I have drawn the wise old man of the tarot, the Hermit.  My wisdom is to recognize true wisdom, wisdom passed down by generations of wise men and women.  I have been doing a bit of research on an obscure corner of Chinese Buddhism today, and I think the Hermit is here to remind me of the difference between an amusing academic religion hobby and the actual life changing wisdom and truth of religion!

As far as the sharing part, Hermit is also saying that the best way for me to share any wisdom I might stumble into this year is not by talking or writing about it, but by living it.  Wisdom isn’t knowing stories or memorizing scriptures, it’s understanding how to live.

Here's the theme for December 28:

Fourth Day, December 28, Children’s Day (Hope).  This day commemorates the Holy Innocents, the children born about the same time as Jesus whom King Herod ordered executed in an attempt to eliminate a rival “newborn king.”  All children are holy innocents who need hope to grow and who give us hope for the future.  How can I honor and help the children in my life and the children of the world?
I'll post on it tomorrow.

Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Second Day of Christmas: Devil

What gift do I have to give?

Well, I have to confess, I had to think about this one for a while!  But I figured it out.  My gift to give is the awareness of when and how best to break the rules and transcend inhibitions.

I’m usually the first person to say that rules are rules for a reason.  Conventional morality is usually a good, if not perfect, guide to avoiding causing troubles for people, including ourselves.  But you don’t get to my age without realizing that following rules just because that’s what everyone does, or the way we’ve always done it, isn’t the best way to live a full life. 

And even more insidious than time-worn societal rules are self-imposed rules that no longer serve our best interests. 

So let the Devil tempt you to do something you never dared before.  I’m going to actively search for random opportunities to give the gift of encouraging joyful freedom and innocent self-expression in myself and others throughout the coming year. 

Let’s start now!  If you’ve always had short hair, grow it long, or vice versa!  Wear red!  Recite Dr. Seuss in the grocery store checkout line!  Kiss your boss on the cheek!  Eat dessert first!  Tell yourself how beautiful you are--and believe it!  Start writing the great American novel!  Or the best cookie recipe of all time!  Or feel good about giving up on an old, tired dream that you don’t really dream anymore.  Dare to be different!  Or the same!

These are my Christmas wishes for you.

The theme for December 27:

Third Day, December 27, Wisdom Day (Prudence).  This is the feast of John, the longest-lived of the original twelve disciples of Jesus, and the author of both the Gospel of John and Revelations, two of the most mystical books of the Bible.  The teachings of this wise old man have intrigued, inspired, and enlightened countless people for millennia.  What is my wisdom, and how can I share it?

I’ll post my reading on this tomorrow.

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

First Day of Christmas: Fortitude

 What is being born or coming to light for me?
8-Fortitude-Tiger Eye
In the coming year, I will come into my own personal power.  There are just some things one has to do for oneself, and this is the year for me to strike out on my own and take care of myself by myself.  It’s taken me a long time to get to this point--to really feel like I am ready to try to make it on my own.  I don’t know if I’ll succeed, or even if it’s really what I want to do, but at least now I feel like it’s a viable option for me. 
Just as there is beauty in the bold and shining stripes of the tiger eye, there is a certain beauty in a bold and independent person standing on her own two feet.  I’ve got the eye of the tiger!  Hear me roar!
The theme for December 26:
Second Day, December 26, Giving Day (Charity).  This is the feast of Stephen, when Good King Wenceslas helped the poor man.  Stephen was a deacon of the early Church tasked with helping the poor, as well as the first Christian to give his life for his faith.  In Britain, this is also Boxing Day, a day to give gifts to the poor and to service people.  What gift do I have to give?
I'll post my reading on this tomorrow!
If you're following along, you are welcome to post a comment with your reading, but don't feel like you have to. 

Merry Christmas!

The Twelve Days of Christmas

A few years back, I created a Twelve Days of Christmas Spread based on Christian saint and holy days and focusing on these themes:   
·         Beginnings
·         The Christian Seven Virtues
o   Prudence
o   Strength
o   Justice
o   Temperance
o   Faith
o   Hope
o   Charity
·         The Buddhist Four Gratitudes
o   Parents
o   Teachers
o   Friends
o   All Beings
And that makes twelve!
This year, I’d like to share my readings for each of the twelve days using Arcana Stones.  Each evening, I’ll post my reading for the following day and then the theme/position for the day after that.  I hope that makes it easy for you to join in with your own twelve days of Christmas readings if you like.
(Email me if you would like a pdf of the full spread.)
I’ll draw a stone and post my reading for the first day of Christmas tonight.  Here’s the theme:
First Day, December 25, Birthday of the New Light (Beginnings).  The calendar has since slipped, but the day to celebrate the birth of the Christ Child was chosen to coincide with the winter solstice, the birth of the sun, when the length of the daylight once again begins to increase a bit day by day.  What is being born or coming to light for me?
Stay tuned for my reading!
And I hope you’ll consider reading for yourself on these twelve days of Christmas for a mindful transition into the new year.


Merry Christmas!