17-Star-Blue Lace Agate

Getting Star today is a confirmation to me that maintaining my attitude of gratitude is the right direction for my spiritual life. Whatever greater spiritual flowerings I realize whenever I get my wandering mind and attention back together, I need to remember to plant them in a rich soil of thankfulness and enjoyment of the blessings I already have.
Besides blessings, another meaning for Star is hope. I have been thinking about and working on the difference between Faith and Hope for a long time, and I think I’m getting closer to an understanding. And here they are today, back together again (Hope in the Faith position)!
Briefly, Hope is wishing for and wanting something good and wonderful. Faith is believing, not with your mind, but with your heart, let’s say trusting, that that something good and wonderful is going to come to you, and trusting in the way that will bring it to you. That’s why religion is faith--you trust that following the guidelines of the religion will bring you what you hope for.
Here is the theme for tomorrow:
Sixth Day, December 30, Parents Day. This is the feast of the Holy Family, honoring the child Jesus, his mother Mary, and (earthly) father Joseph, as a family. This is a good time to be grateful for not only our physical parents and ancestors, but also the ancestors of our culture, land, nation, and community. How can I honor my parents and ancestors? How can I be a better parent?
I’ll read on this tonight.
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